Monday, March 1, 2010

Six months down....three to go!

Today I had my "24-week" doctors appointment (I'm actually more like 26 weeks.) Just wanted to report that everything looks great! Hope's little heart is beating strong. She weighs just over 2 lbs and from everything we could see on today's 3-D ultrasound.....she looks just perfect!

Alexis has expressed her desires recently to be there for the delivery when Hope is born. I had her come to my appointments today to see how she would react to seeing things like my giant stomach and even just being in a hospital. She was awesome and it was great to have her with me.....especially when I started to get a little woozie during the ultrasound. She played with my hair and gently rubbed my forehead and cheeks. It was very sweet. My Midwife suggested she watch a few videos of women giving birth to see if she still wanted to be there in person when I give birth. We'll see how that goes!


Sarah said...

So exciting. Jared and I watched many episodes of A Baby Story before Eric was born and he was there for the birth. Then he insisted on being there when Andrew was born too. The nurses were a little unsure about it until they saw he was just fine. Before I had kids, I never imagined I would have chosen that.

Hope looks so cute on the ultrasound!

Crystal said...

cute picture, I love the added bow!
Hope you are feeling good!

amyraye said...

ellison was at ray's birth. she was only seven at the time, but she was incredible. she was right there with me the entire time- holding my hand, rubbing my back, etc. if alexis is up for it, i think it's pretty awesome for you to be open to it, too. i loved sharing that experience with ellison.

Heather@Women in the Scriptures said...

Congrats! She looks beautiful. I'm glad you are feeling well. I've attended births were the siblings were present and it is INCREDIBLY sweet to have them there--especially for young girls. It really affects them in a powerful and beautiful way. I bet it would be an amazing experience for her to be there-- to realize young what a miracle her body is and how sacred it truly is.

Julie and Mike Wood said...

Love the pic Amy! I love being able to get the ultrasounds for ladies over 35! They have the coolest equipment and such better pictures then the usual skeletal black and whites. Hang in there! it'll be here sooner than you think!

Holly said...

Que bella su hija!

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